Missions and outreach

At St. Paul’s we want to have a missional mindset, and this means always looking for practical ways to fulfill both the Greatest Commandment (Mark 12:29 - 31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18 - 20).

We have an Outreach Team that meets several times a year to brainstorm ways that we can do this. If you are interested in joining the team or have ideas you would like them to consider, please contact keith@stpaulswired.org.


Located 5.5 miles from St. Paul’s is the University of Connecticut, a mission field of 35,000 staff, faculty, and students. Our prayer is to see UConn transformed by the light and hope of the gospel.

While we are always considering new ways to share Christ with the University community, several ways we have sought to reach out to the campus include:

  • Preparing and handing out “study bags” every semester before finals, including snacks, invitations to church, and handwritten notes of encouragement.
  • Inviting students over for post-service meals and spiritual discussion.
  • Hosting a regular small group for students led by the pastoral staff. 
  • Supporting - both financially and practically - campus ministries such as Athletes in Action, Cru, and International Students Inc.